NOVA is an interactive, full-environmental experience utilizing color, light, textures, music and design, in the form of collaborative and integrated compositions by a wide range of artists from around the world. From hand-made illustrations to large scale murals to modern digital art; moving image to multimedia convergence, art made without the limitations or restrictions of traditional format and relying heavily on the magic of live improvisation. During this constantly evolving and mutating exhibition, the creative process is to be witnessed as an ongoing work in progress rife with experimentation, challenging traditional and contemporary techniques and the bending of modern technology.
NOVA is an art festival building a collective artwork by empowering on-stage live production, collaboration and creative cross pollination between art, music and film, happening in very different settings, once every 6 months, featuring 324 artists, musicians and performers.
NOVA premiered in 2o1o in São Paulo, followed with a gallery show edition in Los Angeles. 2o11 was the time for Rio de Janeiro, and São Paulo again, for a immersive cinematic edition. 2o12 saw the biggest NOVA, simultaneously in São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Belo Horizonte and Barcelona.

NOVA 2o12 São Paulo, Rio De Janeiro, Belo Horizonte & Barcelona.
MIS, Sesc Pompeia, Casa Das Caldeiras, Teatro Café Pequeno, Centoequatro & Mitte.
April 3rd to May 31st, 2o12.

NOVA 2o11 São Paulo.
Cinemateca Brasileira.
September 24th to October 29th, 2o11.

NOVA 2o11 Rio de Janeiro.
Casa França-Brasil & Parque Lage.
March 21st to April 3oth, 2o11.
NOVA 2o1o Los Angeles.
Scion space.
September 18th to October 9th, 2o1o.

NOVA 2o1o São Paulo.
MIS & SESC Pompeia.
July 1st to August 15th, 2o1o.
NOVA cultura contemporânea artists:
31Ok, A.Bill Miller, Abstract Birds, Adrian Cooper, Afasia, Agnés Farkasvolgyi, Akin, Alberto Cabrera Bernal, Albinoi, Alcemar Vieira, Alex Fischer, Alex McLeod, Alex Peverett, Alex Prager, Alexandra Dahlstrom, Alexandre Rangel, Ana Carolina Lima, André Damião, André Hallak, André Jotha, Andreas Söderström, Andrew Benson, Andy Denzler, Andy Dixon, Angélica Dass, Angélica Liesze, Anna Linder, Anna Taratiel, Anthony Antonellis, Artur Miglio, Astrid Rieger, Atsuhiro Ito, Autumn Comets, B.Fleischmann, Barbara Hlali, Basavizi, Base-V, Batman Zavareze, Bazófia, Beast, Beth Wexler, Bill Viola, Bjørn Melhus, Bodil Gustafsson Furs, Boris Hoppek, Bosques De Mi Mente, Bradien, Breno Spangler, Bruna, Carl Burgess, Carla Meireles, Carlos Theodoro, Carolina Melis, Caroline Barrueco, Carsten Nicolai, Catherine Genest, Catscars, Cesar Pesquera, Checho Gonzales, Chicks On Speed, Christiane Wöhler, Christopher Scullion, Cláudio Cavalcanti, Clemens Behr, Coletivo Suspenso, Computer Jay, Cristopher Cichocki, Daniel Burkhardt, Daniel Lie, Daniela Aun, David O’Reilly, Defi Gagliardo, Deise Oliveira, Dengue Dengue Dengue!, Denis Darzacq, Droid On, E*Rock, Eboy, Eduardo Lassah, Elen Nas, Eltono, Eluvium, Emilio Gomariz, Erik Bünger, Ernesto Solis, Evan Voytas, Felice Varini, Felipe Brait, Felipe Turcheti, Fernanda Branco Polse, Fernando Chamarelli, Fernando Sarmiento, Fernando Visockis, Fibla, Filippo Minelli, Fiorella Mattheis, Flavio Samelo, Frank Kalero, Frederik Heyman, Frida Franker, Fuck Buttons, Fupete, Gabriel Dawe, Gabriel Sabino, Gabriela Brites, Gabriela Maciel, Gam Bodenhausen, Gee Galvão, Gonjasufi, Good Wives & Warriors, Graham Cadwell, Gugga, Guto Nobrega, Hans Appelqvist, Hapax, Heiko Tippelt, Helérida Calazães, Henrique Fogaça, Hess Is More, Highraff, Hildur Gudnadottir, Huper Alm, Isaac Niemand, Isan, Isolde Woudstra, Jan Goldfuss, Jan Verbeek, Jardim Elétrico, Jason Forrest, Jason Redwood, Javier Longobardo, Jay-Jay Johanson, Jayelle Hudson, Jeffers Egan, Jelle Feringa, Jennifer Sanchez, Jesús Olmo, Jimmy Joe Roche, Joan Saló, John Hyatt, Jonathan Mccabe, Jorge Schutze, Josimar Barbosa, Joymar Castro & Marcelo Fontes, Juan Rayos, Julia Oschatz, Julian Rosefeldt, Juliana Almeida, Juliana Maschietto, Julio Lucio, Karl Kliem, Karsten Schmidt, Kate Mccgwire, Keroøàcidu Suäväk, Kevin Francis Grey, Kit Webster, Koen Delaere, Kouichi Okamoto, Koulomek, Krink, Lapin, Laura Put, Lena Szczesna, Leopoldo Pacheco, Levi Van Veluw, Litoral, Ljudbilden & Piloten, Lolo & Sosaku, Lorna Mills, Lucas Simões, Lucía Zapata, Luciana Monte-Mór, Lucy Mcrae, M.Takara3, M4Sk 22, Maíra Valente, Malu Tavares, Marc Davi, Marc Kremers, Marcela Falci, Marcelo Rocha, Marco Grassi Aka Pho, Maria Luiza Calazães, Mariana Rocha, Marina Bychkova, Mario Zoots, Mark Jenkins, Mark Schoening, Mate Steinforth, Mathias Holmberg, Matt M Moore Aka Mwm, Max Hattler, Maxim Zhestkov, Maya Hayuk, Mel Azul, Mello+Landini, Mercurio, Michael Vorfeld, Midaircondo, Midori Hirose, Miguel Nader, Miltos Manetas, Minivegas, Mirella Brandi E Muepetmo, Miyö Van Stenis, Mjp, Modern Witch, Momo, Mouse On Mars, Mulheres Barbadas, Mundo Tigre, Nadine Byrne, Nanna Hellberg, Ney Barros, Nienke Klunder, Nils Frahm, Noemi Assumpção, Noia, Noriko Okaku, Novi_Sad, Objeto Amarelo, Oca, Odilon Wagner, Ohayo, .O.F.A.C. Olaf Breuning, Optical Machines, Oskar Metsavaht, Paco Calavera, Pandapanther, Patrick Kelleher & His Cold Dead Hands, Paul Seen, Paul Simpson, Penique Productions, Philipp Hirsch, Philippe Jusforgues, Piero Chiaretti, Pigmy, Plink Flojd, Porian, Pritty Borges, Protey Temen, Pulselooper, Quayola, Radio Deus, Rafael Monteyro, Rafael Pereira, Rafael Pinto, Rafael Rozendaal, Raphael Grisey, Raúl Cruz, Rebecca Ward, Regina Duarte, Renato Atuati, Renato Baractho, Ricardo Macedo, Ripo, Rob Fracisco Aka Biosfear, Robert Hodgin, Robert Seidel, Roll The Dice, Rollin Leonard, Ros Dolan & The Gang, Rosa Douat, Rosa Menkman, Rosina Lobosco, Russ Mills, Ryoichi Kurokawa, Sabrina Ratté, Sandra Koodi, Sara Ludy, School Tour, Sebastien Preschoux, Seixlack, Semiconductor, Sergei Sviatchenko, Sergio Abdalla, Shane Mcadams, Shima, Silent Disco, Simon Woolham, Sin Fang Bous, Sóley, Sophie Gateau, Sosaku Miyazaki, Sepk Aka Stephanie Mella, Subway Sonicbeat, Suely Cárceles, Tatiana Stepanenko, The Magic State, Thiago Pethit, This Time, Thomas Traum, Thorsten Fleisch, Ticotico, Timalina, Timo Katz, Tofer Chin, Tom Scholefield, Tomas Garcia, Tove Kjellmark, Tunng, Ugi-Gui, Universal Everything, Urubu, Val Perré, Veronica Debom, Verónica Luyo, Vicente Pessôa, Victor De La Rocque, Vidderna, Vjsuave, Volatiluz, Volker Schreiner, Walter Carvalho, Yago Hortal, Yango2, Yochai Matos, Yolanda Domínguez, Yoshi Sodeoka, Yusk Imai, Yves Netzhammer, Zeitguised, Zeitzeit, Zimoun.
Created & curated by David Quiles Guilló, organised together with Graziela Calfat and Art Unlimited.