Colour shift moments shaped by means of rules and omissions, acceptance and refusal, luring the viewer into myopical unrandomness and ultra severe visual boredom. Contemporary lazy loadings.
Not a single line of code has been abused in the making of this beautiful yet functional artwork, origin to The Tropics Berlin solo art stunt exhibition by David Quiles Guilló, was exhibited in the group show SPAMM power, permanently exhibited at spamm.fr
SPAMM power identified the paths that artists plot on social networks to the convergence of several digital disciplines; the links between the different groups of practices and research. ufos of the web, flux electrons, artists and hackers of images and sounds, each figure has its own meaning. together they form a larger drawing. beyond the comfort zones, beyond criticism and confrontations, as divergent feelings.
Featuring work by: A Bill Miller, Aaron Hayes, Adela Muntean, Adem Elahel, Agente Doble, Alba Rocca, Alex Mendoza, Alix Desaubliaux, Andres Manniste, Annie Abrahams, Anthony Antonellis, Antonin Laval A.K.A Vash Yeah, Antonio Roberts, Arthur Marchado, Beatriz Sánchez, Benjamin Berg, Benjamin Gaulon, Benji Blessing Sayed, Bertrand Burtin & Blaise Caillet, Bia Rodrigues A.K.A Biarritzzz, Billy Gruner, Borjan Zarevski, Carla Gannis, Carrie Gates, Cherry Manga, Christian Petersen, Claire Sistach, Claudia Hart, Claudia Maté, Dafna Ganani, Dani Ploeger, Daniel Swan, Dasha Ilina, David Quiles Guilló, David Kagan, Diane Coudray, Diego Ortega, Diogo De Tita, Domenico Dom Barra, Dominik Podsiadly, Don Miller, Dupmarl, Ei Jane Janet Lin, Eileen Isagon Skyers, El Pelele, Elena Romenkova, Ellectra Radikal, Emeric Lhuisset, Emilie Gervais & Sarah Weis A.K.A Blinking Girls, Emilio Gomariz, Enzo Pl , Erik H Zepka, Faith Holland, Federico Cosci, Filipe Matos, Fotis Begetis, Francesco Mammifero, Frère Reinert, Guillaume Pascale, Haydi Roket, Hereaclitus, Hyperspeed Hallucination, Ian Heil, Im Ago, Jacques Perconte, János Brückner, Jasper Elings, Jefta Hoekendijk, Jeremy Rotsztain, Jeremy Bailey, Jerome Euxeb, Jessica Evans, Johann Baron Lanteigne, John Prendergast A.K.A Rex Mundi, Jon Rafman, Jon Satrom, José Iron Nito, Josefin Jonsson Pastelae, Kamilia Kard, Karolina Melnicka, Kate Deacock, Keigo Depic Hara, Kenneth Jeffrey, Kiari Bastardo, Kim Asendorf, Kim Laughton, Laetitia Chazottes, Laturbo Avedon, Laura Hyunjhee Kim, Laura Martorana, Laurus Edelbacher, Leah Schrager, Lefdup & Lefdup & Gotkovski, Leandro Estrella, Leonid Kalyadin, Leticia Sampedro, Loïc Sutter, Lorna Mills, Lucille Calmel, Manuel Minch, Manuel Rossner, Marc Veyrat & Franck Soudan, Marcel Grandlapin, Mark Klink, Marta D. Strazicic, Martin Onassis, Mathieu St-Pierre , Michaël Borras A.K.A Systaime, Michael Green, Miltos Manetas, Miron Tee, Natale Cuciniello, Nicole Killian, Nikolas Koroloff, Oblinof Kohara, Oliver Haidutschek, Paul Hertz, Paul Wong, Paula Pinho Martins Nacif, Paulin Paulin, Paulin Rogues, Pedro Veneroso, Philippe Untersteller, Piero Chiariello, Raphaël Moreira Gonçalves, Rolando Peña, Rollin Leonard, Rozita Fogelman, Santiago Torres Fernandez, Saveme Oh, Sophie Daste, Soliman Lopez, Thierry Art, Trevor Fascinator, Tudor Ciurescu, Uğur Engin Deniz, William Wolfgang Wunderbar, Xavier Madrid, Yılmaz Şen, Ynfab Bruno, Yohanna Ovalle, Yoshi Sodeoka, Yvana Samandova, Silke Zil Kuhar And Zoy Winterstein, Zves Konstantinos. Curated By Ellectra Radikal & Michaël Borras aka Systaime.
The Tropics
243MB. 192o × 1o8opx
5m52s video
by David Quiles Guilló
1 June 2o17
at Miscible Lyon (France)
22 to 26 May 2o17
at Winchester school of art (UK)
31 March to 14 April 2o17
at Parsons Paris (France)